A special workshop hosted by the fitness experts at Age Performance.
In just four weeks, my balance and range of motion improved. I now have energy, strength, my joints feel better and I am optimistic about life—I’m even thinking of going back to work.
As a retired professional who led a very active life—squash, basketball, backpacking, and river running—knee injuries and knee replacement began to slow me down. I began a series of exercises at Age Performance and was amazed at how well my body responded. I can now walk with firm, strong steps and handle heavy luggage with ease. All in all, I feel much better.
I’ve been with Age Performance for five months now, and what a difference! I’m stronger, have more energy, better balance, and wonder of wonders, I’m sleeping better. I’ve never been a big fan of exercise (boring and hard) but with Paul’s custom attention and steady guidance, I’ve actually begun looking forward to our sessions. He’s also helped me figure out my home equipment and routine. Age Performance has been a gamechanger for me. I highly recommend them!
Life changing. That’s how I would describe Age Performance. I began training with Paul twice a week over three years ago for bone strength. Two years in, my bone scan showed a 33% improvement over my previous scan—all without any bone-strengthening medication. I’m the most physically fit I have ever been in my life and feel great.
During my ten years working with Age Performance, the staff has helped me rehab a broken arm, recover from a triple bypass heart surgery, and address various other health problems. Today, I’m fit, trim, lean and mean. I credit my consistent workouts with Age Performance’s competent, professional staff. Without their combination of weight training, aerobic exercises, stretching, balance, and agility work, I am positive I that I would not be as fit as I am today.
As a busy woman, I find it harder to stay in shape now than I did when I was younger. Age Performance’s approach to fitness is radically different from the technique I had employed for 20 years. Its focus on fast-twitch muscles, balance, flexibility, and core strength has made a dramatic improvement to my overall fitness, sense of balance, and agility that has enabled me to ski harder, hike further, and just generally feel better than I have in years.
I’ve trained at Age Performance for over twelve years. It literally changed my life. Apart from weight control, mental and physical energy, I have better mental focus and balance. Not only has this prevented trips and falls, but also provided my body with the protection it needed during a motorcycle crash. The doctor said my physical conditioning minimized fractures to my shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle, all while shortening repair and rehabilitation after.
Age Performance has seen me through brain surgery, thumb reconstruction, and a serious motorcycle accident. In addition to support and strength from weekly workouts, the team’s masterful knowledge of human physiology, motivation, and routines required to maintain an aging body have kept me strong, flexible, confident, and determined.
Paul Holbrook of Age Performance and Dr. Joseph Signorile discuss aging and exercise.
Muscle mass could indicate future cardiovascular health, suggests a new study.
Meet one of Utah’s finest exercise facilities, concentrating on those ages 50 and over.
Those who undertook resistance exercise were less likely to be overweight, suggests a recent study.
Paul Holbrook, Age Performance founder, contributes to the topic of The Dangers of Inactivity.
Exercise doesn’t just strengthen your muscles, it can also be good for your mind and memory.
A new study suggests long-term exercise may keep muscles as healthy as a 25-year-old’s.
Dogs and high-intensity exercise in. Barefoot running out.
Certified professional trainer Paul Holbrook demonstrates how to stretch hip flexor.
Certified professional trainer Paul Holbrook demonstrates a 6 point rock.
Certified professional trainer Paul Holbrook demonstrates how to perform and assisted squat.
Certified professional trainer Paul Holbrook demonstrates how to perform a quick stutter step.
Certified professional trainer Paul Holbrook demonstrates a half knee lateral for improved hip mobility.
Certified professional trainer Paul Holbrook demonstrates a quick warm up before standing.
Learn why Age Performance is outfitted with Keiser’s revolutionary exercise machines.